Monday, January 19, 2015

Nail Polish Tips

I've always been the girl that always have nice nail. I didn't think I do until an old friend that I haven't hung out with for over 10 years meet up with me for lunch and she said what she remember of me is that I always have nice nail. I always have my nail done and every time she saw me I had something different on my nails. I though about that on my drive home and realized... I do, do my nails a lot and here's a tip to keep the nail polish longer.

When I do my nails, my nail polish usually looks good for 2-3 days at most because I have a very thin nails that break super easy.

For the fist 2-4 days I just have L'Oreal Doutzen's Nude on. (You can wear whatever color you want). But when my nails start to ware on the tips or have a slight chip on the tips, I would just add a little glitter French tip to keep it looking newly painted, example below I am using L'Oreal Whimsical. Rose gold tips. Then it last for a few days longer. (Glitter usually stay longer on my nails. About 4-5 days) Then I don't have to repaint all my nails which save time! [*Usually I use some sort of glitter polish that goes well with whatever I am wearing.] Try it out and let me know your thoughts.

Instagram: MakeupWithNana

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