Thursday, October 13, 2011

Victoria's Secret Muti-Way Dress

So I bought this Victoria's Secret MutiWay Dress in Purple like what you see above. My thoughts on this dress is... This is the greatest idea made by whoever came up with it 1st. There's actually more than 7 ways of wearing this dress (Check out the Victoria's Secret website for the ways you can wear it). What's so good about this is that you can wear this to all events without having to think what dress you got to buy. SPENDING MORE MONEY when you won't be wearing it that offten. I NO LIKE! =P I like to put most or all of my clothes in good used since I am spending that money on them.

This summer I had a wedding to go to. I've been looking at dresses for a few months. I came upon this dress thinking if I should get it or not but the version was the shorter one. I was debating for a while and decided not to and go down to Los Angeles and shop at the mall there since I grew up there, I know I am able to find something. I did find something I love love love but cannot have cuz it's TOO BIG! They had a size 4 and I need a size 2, I would have bought it anyways but I needed it hem that day so I can wear it the day after, not possible so I didn't get it BOOO!!! I wish this long dress version was already out, I would have bought it with out a heart beat.

I got xs and it fits me perfectly. I am about 5'2inches and the dress is not that long but you can work with the fabric to fit your height. If you are taller than 5'3 I do suggest you to get Small and not xs since it will be short for you. I played with the dress right when I got it to try different looks and OMG it was so much fun and if I had this dress before I went to Cali for a Vacation I would not have bought as much clothes as I did. So if you are thinking of getting this dress, I say GO FOR IT!!! =) Thank you for reading this far, <3

Disclaimer: I bought this dress with my own money, I was not asked to review or given by the company. I want to share my thoughts of this dress.

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