Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Inspired Look:Red tone with Gold shine

It's FALL, and what else but another Fall Inspired Look without the green =) a Reddish tone with Golden shine eye look to sport out when you are about to walk out the door. I did this look to a party last weekend. I though might as well share this look with the lovely beauties?!?! I would normally not wear red eye shadows since it would make me look like I got a swollen eye for the eye shape I have but with the color combination that I came up with made it look great and I hope you enjoy.
Watch till then end for bloopers of my silly baby Nala. =) Don't forget to Support by subscribing here and on my Youtube channel. Thank you my loves!!!!

Mark Girl:

Disclaimer: All products used in this video was bought by me and my own money. I was not given or asked to do a review or tutorial with them.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Purple Twist using Urban Decay Alice and Wonderland Book of Shadow II

Good afternoon, I made this purple look with a twist of a little reddish-orangey purple peeking though last Friday to a party. I though might as well record this look to show you one of my like to do once in a while color look. You would not think that a little reddish purple and purple with blue undertone would match would you? I sure didn't, but a few days before I recorded this look I was playing with my eye shadows and I was impressed with this combination. I though it was nice and colorful but with a nice earth tone of fall in it. I hope this is a look you would try out. Let me know what you think and please also check out my other sites. Love you as always SMILE

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Victoria's Secret Muti-Way Dress

So I bought this Victoria's Secret MutiWay Dress in Purple like what you see above. My thoughts on this dress is... This is the greatest idea made by whoever came up with it 1st. There's actually more than 7 ways of wearing this dress (Check out the Victoria's Secret website for the ways you can wear it). What's so good about this is that you can wear this to all events without having to think what dress you got to buy. SPENDING MORE MONEY when you won't be wearing it that offten. I NO LIKE! =P I like to put most or all of my clothes in good used since I am spending that money on them.

This summer I had a wedding to go to. I've been looking at dresses for a few months. I came upon this dress thinking if I should get it or not but the version was the shorter one. I was debating for a while and decided not to and go down to Los Angeles and shop at the mall there since I grew up there, I know I am able to find something. I did find something I love love love but cannot have cuz it's TOO BIG! They had a size 4 and I need a size 2, I would have bought it anyways but I needed it hem that day so I can wear it the day after, not possible so I didn't get it BOOO!!! I wish this long dress version was already out, I would have bought it with out a heart beat.

I got xs and it fits me perfectly. I am about 5'2inches and the dress is not that long but you can work with the fabric to fit your height. If you are taller than 5'3 I do suggest you to get Small and not xs since it will be short for you. I played with the dress right when I got it to try different looks and OMG it was so much fun and if I had this dress before I went to Cali for a Vacation I would not have bought as much clothes as I did. So if you are thinking of getting this dress, I say GO FOR IT!!! =) Thank you for reading this far, <3

Disclaimer: I bought this dress with my own money, I was not asked to review or given by the company. I want to share my thoughts of this dress.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Drugstore : Wet N' Wild - Walking On Eggshell

Hello, I've decided to come up with my 2nd video today. I also used all drugstore makeup for this look. You can get all the products I used in the discription box below the video on my youtube channel.

I though why not do a affortable look for all of us who would like to look nice while save money. I sure do.

 I did this look to a outting and got lots of nice comment, people though I used high end products but they will never know and I am happy to share it with you. I like how this look, looks soft and cute. I hope you all enjoy this look and keep on watching. <3 Thank you for your support, please don't forget to subscribe.

mark.girl come check it out

Saturday, October 8, 2011

1st Makeup Tutorial Everyday Natural Look

Welcome to my 1st Tutorial. I've been wanting to create a video for the longest time. It took me 4 years to create this one. I know it's not the best and many different ones are out there. This is my 1st and I will keep learning as well as I would like to teach, share, my tips and tricks of makeups. Enjoy!!!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Nala Bear doing Tricks!

This is my puppie that is 1 year and 3 months old. I've been teaching her lots of tricks since I've gotten her when she was only 4 weeks old. Here are a few tricks she would like you to see.

Nala learned to sit like a bear, on her butt with her hand off the floor. She also learn to site, lay down, roll over, hand shake with each hands, high five, speak, stand, walk, and still learning more.

I never though I would have a dog as a pet. Like most dog or cat lover my Nala is not just a pet; I love her a lot for lots of different reason and she capture my sweet side. My mom dislike any pets what so ever so I never grew up with a dog. (I'm alergic to cats) I asked my boyfriend for years to get me a dog and he would not. But finally last year on July 19 we drove down the street and saw a sign that says "Snorkie for Sale". My bf was wondering what is a snorkie and asked me to google it on his blackberry. I read to him it's a Mini Schnauzer Yorkie Hybrid. He wanted to see the puppies, I told him why he has to tease me for when I know for a fact he doesn't want a dog. As soon and he held Nala, he wanted her home. We bought her and took her to Petco to buy her a bed, food, pee pad, toys, treats, and much more. OMG, does dog cost a lot. I was excited, but the lady lied to us that she was 7 weeks old. Later we found out she had no teeth at all. I took her to the vet a few days later and the vet said she is about 4-5 weeks old. She was a scary cat, cry all night, wanted to cuddle, and did a lot of mess that I had to clean up since i got her the day i started work. I didn't get to spend much time with her but now we have plenty.

More story about her later on... Enjoy this video clip.

Picture of when I first got her.


Passion for Makeup

The first time I ever realized I had a passion for makeup was back in Junior High School. I was not allowed to wear makeup by my father; my mother on the other hand was teaching me a little makeup here and there, she never said I cannot wear them but because I was so young I cannot wear alot. My mom allowed me to have lipstick on but that was about it. So when I went to school I would wear eyeliners, lipsticks/lipliners, a little bit of powder to get flawless skin.
In high school, I wore a little more makeup. Then in college, I wore more and more. I was so into makeup that I started to use my sister as my makup learning canvas. Later it went to myfriends and my sister friends. Then I started to do nice makeup not just for the club or party but for a gratuation. I did my first important makeup for my sister and her roomates. It was the start of my journey of love for makeup not just for myself but to do it for others.
Later I started to free lance makeup for friends and family. My friends at church hired me to do makeup for prom, weddings, and other events. I put this passion on a hold for the longest time. I've been watching makeup/beauty guru's on youtube for the longest time; a little over 4 years. The time when Pursbuzz and Michelle Phan first started their videos. Than later grew to more gurus. I always wanted to create my own videos to share what I love, what I know, what I have learn but I was and still am too shy to recored myself talking to a camera.
I think it's time and I am planing to recored my 1st makeup video. I am not trying to get big or anything. I also want to share my passion like those that are on youtube. Please support me. Thank you! Come back and support me if you can! <3

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