Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Spring Glam 2 in 1 Look

The last video I posted was for a friend. What was cool was she tried the look out that evening and took a picture and send it to me. Oh, how much joy I had looking at the picture of someone recreating the look I just did. Now I totally understand the other YouTube makeup guru's why they have been doing this for years. I have on and off doing videos. (Mainly when my sister or a friend ask, as I get lazy editing and lose motivation as I feel like no one is watching. I don't get much comments or combats about my videos. But this year, I wanted to make this my hobby as the past 5 years I have been playing and buying LOTS of beauty products and I love sharing). What was even cooler was when I told her if she wanted me to make a look for her for to her to let me know. She told me she is going to her sister wedding on March 1st and will be wearing a yellow Kimono and would like to do a spring like look that goes with yellow. That evening I was getting more information from her and getting to know what she have and what she's interested. Then I came up with doing 2 look in 1 videos so she can practice and if she doesn't like one look she has another to fall back on. The looks are very similar but it's much brighter and one is smokier.

Editing issue, I was so frustrated when I was editing, technical difficulties I had to rerecord. (This is why I lose motivation doing lots of videos in the pass.) But I fought though it and if I need to re-edit to put in the new recorded look I will. Hope you enjoy and watch the video below.

Instagram: MakeupWithNana
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Liltinieprinces
Blog: http://makeupwithnana.blogspot.com/
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