Thursday, February 12, 2015

Smokey Eyes for Mono Lid or Asian eyes

A friend recently tolde me she's just staring to play with some eyeshadows but doesn't know how to do it for her eyes as all the videos she watch are for people with more deep set eyes. She said she would like me to teach her. And low and behold I am starting to get back into my YouTube again and have been making videos and updating my blogs. So I told her I'll create some videos with her in mind. I gave her my channel name which I normally don't give to people I know as I feel a bit shy but when people as me to teach them something I am happy and willing to share. Funny enough, I was planning to do this look anyways, but with her request it gave me more of a motivation to get it done faster. So here's the first for you. SMOKEY EYES. I hope this help many more of you. Enjoy and I'll continue to make more like this. Thank you.

Instagram: MakeupWithNana

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